How to Carve Wood: A Book of Projects and Techniqu, Rick Butz
How to Carve Wood: A Book of Projects and Techniqu, Rick Butz , emne: hobby og sport
Trækarving der beskriver teknikker og illustrerer forskellige projekter
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Paperback: 200 pages
Publisher: Taunton Press Inc; Edition (11984)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0918804205
ISBN-13: 978-0918804204
Woodcarver Richard Butz teaches chapter by chapter whittling, chip carving, wildlife carving, relief carving, lettering, and architectural carving. In How to Carve Wood, the reader learns by doing, working through carefully illustrated and progressively more challenging exercises and projects. Butz provides scaled patterns for each project and ends each chapter with a gallery of additional projects using the techniques learned.